Well, last night was pretty calm. I finally had a moment to upack, pack and organize a tad. I also went for a run... a much needed and enjoyed run through some part of town. Not sure where exactly, but I did find a park.
I also got to do some reading (recommended by John Grinnell; Beyond Culture by Edward T. Hall), practicing, composing and recording of some introspective musical ideas via acoustic bass guitar via thoughts of past love and then sleeping. Still, I have no watch so I´m not sure what time it is/was.
This morning I woke up thinking that I might be able to start my Spanish school today, but to no avail. I signed up too late, but I did call to make sure next Monday was cool. It is. But first I had to take an online Spanish placement test. Here´s the thing: it´s multiple choice! So I´m bound to get a few right, even though all my answers should be, ¨ummm, I have no idea.¨ That really should be option e)?
This morning I also planned out the rest of the day: buy groceries and a watch. I didn´t get a watch, but I did get groceries. And umm, well, it was interesting. I can recognize fruits and veggies, those look the same as they do in the states; so I did get a bunch of those. Oh, and I got some olives. At my really, really close fruit/veggie stand, I didn´t understand what the lady was saying when she told me the price. So I just opened my hand with a bunch of coins in it, and let her dig through until she was happy. Hahahhaaaa! Those numbers confuse me unless they´re like ¨uno, dos,¨ thru 10.
And let´s see, I went to four different stores slash markets and this is what I got:
3 tomatoes, two beautiful peaches, a huge red pepper, lots of fresh garlic, jar of olives, olive oil, some tupperware, 6 or so bananas, a can of peas, some wheat crackers, some veggie-wheat spagetti noodles, a yellow onion, a few big ol´ Granny Smith apples, and .... I think that´s it. Grand total: 40 pesos. US conversion? About 13 bucks. Lovely.
Quick thought, or have I told you already? My French skills (there´s a joke) are coming back to me! Lots. It´s only been about 12 years since I´ve really thought about much French, but I do try to answer folks with French phrases here. And then I say, oh wait, that´s French and they´re speaking Spanish. oops. The same thing happens with German, but not as much. Funny. One good side of this is that I´m learning that French and Spanish are very similiar... looking. I´m not sure if they really sound alike. I think not, but I´ll be a better judge once I start learning more Spanish.
So, after the stores, I came home to make dinner. And I must say, I´m still a USAer because it was only about 6:30pm. Yep, I ate really, really, really ¨early¨.
Dinner, you say? Well, I couldn´t really tell what would be a good red sauce (spagetti sauce) at the store, so I decided to try and make my own. Fresh tomatoes, garlic, peppers, onions (fresh mushrooms are absent to me thus far) with my veggie noddles. It was yum.
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