Sunday, January 4, 2009

Another family hang and traditional BBQ!

Dinner really does start late here. Or at least, the few dinners I´ve had did. And I do think it´s common.

Last night was special though because I was again invited to hang with my new friends, Julieta and family. It was a feast. ...a traditional Argentine BBQ! MEAT, MEAT! And some sort of baked pototoes, boiled eggs mixed in. And vino from Mendoza, of course. And cerveza, Quilmes. And this wonderful bread that´s everywhere. Oh my!!!, I could eat it all day.

I think we finally started eating about 11:30pm!!!

The night went late with jokes and Spanish to English and vice versa attempts of communicating. Still the laughs got through. I´ll have to upload some videos and pix when I get to my computer (alas, here are a few...). Fun times.

And since the night went late, they invited me to stay in their place. Very kind.

Julieta (1 and 2) and I woke early and beached it up. We enjoyed the rays, some ocean chill, and headed back to BsAs.

After departing with Julieta at Retiro (the bus station) I walked around the city a bit. I hopped a cab and headed ¨home¨. The cab driver, Gustavo, was mucho, mucho nice! He wanted me to help him with his English. Just like me, he has a pad of various English phrases he´s collecting. We helped one another and had many laughs. One random phrase he learned: It´s none of your business! Hahahaa!

Oh and my roommate´s dog won´t stop humping me.

Off for a run in the beautiful weather of summertime BsAs...


  1. Glad to hear you made it there in one piece! Sounds like a blast! Cheers!

  2. One piece is good, for sure.

    Thanks for checking out my blog Mandy!!


living in Buenos Aires